Get precise CO2 control with a Pro-Leaf CO2 Controller.
You can adjust the output from 400ppm - 2000ppm. To prevent CO2 waste, dosing is restricted to lights-on, when plants use CO2.
You can use it with bottled CO2 or propane gas
- Controls CO2 output (from 400ppm - 2000ppm)
- Use it with bottled CO2 or propane gas
- Day & night mode
- 1 year manufacturer's warranty

Easy Operation
To get started it's pretty much plug and play.

Day & Night Mode
To prevent CO2 waste, dosing only happens during lights-on. This is when plants use CO2

Self-Calbrating CO2 Sensor
You won't have to calibrator yourself , but we recommend doing so once a year anyway.

PPM Up / Fuzzy Logic PPM Down
This doses with CO2 in shorter bursts. If using a CO2 bottle this stops the regulator getting too cold (if the regulator gets too cold, it can stay open).

Digital Display
It's easy to check your settings it a glance.

CO2 Disable Mode
You can connect your controller to an extractor fan. During the night to bring your CO2 level down, air is extracted. In closed loop rooms where air isn't typically extracted, it's ideal.
Why Add CO2?
Plants use CO2 for photosynthesis (sugar production).
If CO2 is restricted, so is sugar production.
Plants can handle 1000 - 1200ppm of CO2. There's only around 400 - 450ppm in the air. Bringing that up to the optimum 1200ppm is one of the easiest ways to ramp up sugar production and increases your yield by up to 20%!
In summer, extra CO2 and also helps plants with heat stress by photosynthesising more!
How To Use
1. Put the plug in
2. Push the left button 1 time
3. Set the level CO2 level ( turn left or right to go up or down)
You'll also need to generate/release the CO2, control the release (regulator) and detect CO2 levels (analyser / sensor). For this will you need: